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How do you read a pay stub?

Look at the top of your pay stub. You will find basic information at the top of your paycheck stub, such as the name and address of your employer and the date that the paycheck was issued. You may also find information about the company that processes payroll for your company.
You will likely find the check number at the top of your paycheck stub. This is useful for entering into your financial records to track income sources and amounts.
If something is wrong with your paycheck, it will likely be the fault of the payroll company. Check with human resources if you spot a problem.

Find the area labeled “Gross Pay”. Gross pay is the total amount that you earned before any withholdings have been taken. The gross pay will usually be over a certain period of time, known as a pay period.

Any taxes or other withholdings will not be reflected in your gross pay.
A pay period will vary in length, depending on your employer. These pay periods may commonly cover weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly periods. Other pay periods are possible, however, not as common.


  1. I don't think we need to read pay stub because before we print our stub online, we cross check all the details so after that i think no one read the Online Pay stubs!

  2. Yes we don't need to read the paystub because at time of generating paycheck stub online with online Check stub maker one can easily verify the details by previewing it.


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